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http://eliselollipop .blogspot.com ♥
Monday, April 12, 2010

Wow.. it has been almost a year since I last updated my blog! =="
Currently still in Singapore.. life is boring here!
*Sigh* I am now in semester 4, but I think there are another 40-50% of "classmates" I have not talk to, and barely know their names.
Friday, May 15, 2009

After months of waiting, finally I received the offer letter from my college T.T

I got accepted!!

Yea, I am happy, excited, stress and scared.

Have to adjust my holiday mood and be prepare for the day.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

I am back to Kuching for few days. So happy to have my own bed own blanket own pillow own computer hot water shower and Kuching foods =)

But... I miss shopping at mid valley and the bag which I didnt buy at Sunway Pyramid. =.=

Ice skating was fun~ Those who are in KL should come.. and enjoy fall onto the slippery ice and laugh at each other. Disappointed for not able to meet up :( sigh

Photos taken with my phone at Sunway Lagoon. Lazy to upload those inside my camera hehe.

That game was... ... -_- yea no thanks to me. 360° turn. My friend climbed up and played. =.=" so daring.
Sunday, April 12, 2009


I bought my air ticket with unbeliavable cheap price. RM10! But after including all the airport tax and stuff, the total was RM80. My friend and I just carried our luggages and flew to KL since the price was so low. (Actually I worked for 6 days in February.. earned RM 90 so I paid the ticket myself) Haha.

We went to Sunway Lagoon yesterday. And I sms Nicky when I was crossing the bridge.

Me: "Nicky! Come play with me! At sunway lagoon!"
Nicky: "U r in sunway?? I'm in KL =.="

Ee.. nicky... why you like tat one.. =(

My friend dragged me to play roller coaster. So scary.. Ok.. I have a weak heart.. =.=

And the SCREAM PARK! Omg..It was so dark inside.. Stupid ghosts.. blew air and screamed suddenly beside my ears which scared half of my life away. Ran out after finished part one. :x

Overall it was quite fun. Will upload photos if able.


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Holiday is enough for me.. *cries* Started to dislike this 4 months holiday. But there are few more months to go! I am wasting my time! T.T

I envy those who are studying right now.



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

GOODBYE, CAR LEARNING INSTITUTE. I am so glad I do not have to sit and wait under the roof with a HUGE hot sun hanging in the sky, supplying unbearable heat and tan my skin (so dark now! and is like zebra line coz part of my arms tat did get covered was fair). I PASSED my driving test. Happy and sad at the same time. =(

My test inside the institute compound was fine.. All completed within one minute with no mistake. But the On-the-road test made me upset.. *cries* When I first drove out to the road, I was doing quite okay.. correct signal given, correct lands. It was quiet all along the road until I turned into the lane after circling the roundabout. The examiner who sat besides me suddenly "HAA" for so loud that I got scared. Immediately I turned my head to him and "Har?" Then I realised he was talking on the phone. Wth. That made me forgot to off my signal and with signal "tick tack tick tack" to left I drove pass one/two junctions. = =

My form stated that I need to drive to route A, which was the longest among A B C. When i reached the last roundabout, I gave wrong signal and almost drove on the lane which lead to Kuching city! (Why do human get nervous T.T)

The examiner was like: "AMOI! MANA KAU MAHU PERGI? HAIYA"
Me (Heart sank) :"Minta maaf"

I was getting more and more nervous. On the way back, the annoying traffic light changed to RED. Damn it. I wanted to change the gear to lower one, but it just didn't want to cooperate with me! Damn it. So I locked my eyes on my gear, kept trying, then.....

Me:"Minta maaf. Susah!"

Continue driving. At one section, workers were repairing road, so I switched to drive on the right lane. I was supposed to switch back to left lane, but I was so near the roundabout so I just drove out like that lah. But he said:" ADUH AMOI! KENAPA YOU SWING SINI SWING SANA!" Ok la, my reaction, of coz was:"Minta Maaf" Grr. After I finished my test I asked my friend how did they reacted at that part of the broken road, one of them said, she just did like what I did but her examiner didnt say anything. Grr.

And the examiner kept talking to me some more! I was nervous enough.. With my broken BM I answered his questions, where u live, what sch u study, where ur dad works, bla bla bla.

Luckily, serious speaking, the first one was not my fault, (he scared me but I still managed to keep my car drive straight coz I drove slowly). Second one was an-almost mistake, third one was ok too coz I changed gear finally. Fourth one was road problem and I think I was not wrong.

So glad I do not have to go there anymore! Bye bye!!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sports Day!


Today was Lodge's Sports Day! And I went to support purple house. *Angelic Grin* The stadium was bustling with life.

Here are some pictures.

My brother was in there~

Leading leading! At least 100m gap between the first and the second. Oh, by the way, it was a relay =)

The last event--> Ex Lodgian's race. All guys. Lol.

Before the official result for the overall champion was out, someone from red house had already started the "vicory lap." And got warned. *Devilish Grin* :x

Purple house acquired the second place for year 2009's Sports Day. WELL DONE!!!
